Copyright infringement

The administration of the internet resource (hereinafter - takes seriously the issue of copyright infringement. We respond promptly to all notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Law on Copyright in the Digital Era (DMCA) or any other applicable laws or laws on intellectual property.

The result of a response to a copyright infringement notice may be the removal, blocking or disabling of access to the material that is alleged to be the subject of the violation, the termination of user access to, or all of the above at the same time.

If you believe that any material available on violates your copyright, you can send a notification through our feedback form. In the text of the notification, specify the address of the webpage on containing the material that violates copyrights, as well as data confirming your rights to this content and your email address for feedback. These notices should only be sent by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

Based on the results of the verification of the copyright infringement notice, we will send you a written response to the email address indicated in the request text. Our policy is to document all notifications of alleged violations in respect of which we act.

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement

We take claims of copyright infringement. Digital copyright law on the copyright law. If necessary, you can terminate the access control.

If you need a copyright, you can send mail a copyright notice here: contact us.
. I am authorized to act on the owner’s behalf of.

In the case of a carriageway . It is our policy to document the alleged infringement on which we act.

Abuse / Complaint (Nella lingua italiana)

Pensi che il sito abbia foto o video che violano la legge, i principi morali pubblici, ecc.? Invia l'amministratore del sito web a contattaci! Ma prima di tutto, prestate attenzione al fatto che ci conformiamo a 18 U.S.C. 2257 RKRCS, in base al quale tutte le persone (attori, attrici) hanno raggiunto i 18 anni al momento delle riprese e tutti i video pubblicati su questo sito Web sono messi in scena, gli autori (url studios) sono elencati in ciascuna pagina video.

Gentili proprietari di copyright, se i tuoi lavori (video, immagini) sono pubblicati su questo sito Web e desideri eliminarli o se i tuoi dati di contatto non sono corretti, puoi contattare l'amministratore del sito per posta contact us. Ti assicuro che nessuno ignorerà queste lettere e cercheremo di capire tutto.